As a non-profit orthopedic specialized clinic for horses, we provide our services free of charge to needy animals. However, we exercise our own discretion in deciding which patients we would like to accept. We specifically support compassionate horse owners who are willing to permanently improve the living conditions of their horses. This willingness is the reciprocation we expect in order to ensure the well-being of the animals.
We do not treat requests from audacious and demanding individuals, horse traders, breeding operations, people with obvious wealth, and similar entities. Our priority is to effectively utilize our limited resources and ensure that they benefit those who truly require assistance. Through this selection process, we aim to ensure that our efforts serve the welfare of the animals.
As a clinic, we are autonomous and independently make decisions regarding patient admissions. These criteria assist us in choosing those who can derive the most benefit from our services and where a sustainable improvement in the horses’ living conditions is likely.
(romanian, hungarian, german, english, french, spanish language)
Contact (romanian/english)
0040 7460 63926 (8.00 – 17.00 h)